Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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One Last Embarassment


Guardian Of The Vibes
i'll take literally any month for my ugly character with a quote i will not come up with at 3 AM [link]

edit: ';she has the wares if you have the coin '

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Lord of Altera
i'll take literally any month for my ugly character with a quote i will not come up with at 3 AM [link]

edit: ';she has the wares if you have the coin '

Khajit has found herself on the list, though I feel like that quote can be taken a bit further?
"Flip some coin her way and she'll show you just what she can do.~"
Idk, been sick since Monday so I've been out of it for a while XD
Redid it check above
Credit goes to Electric
"Like the heat of the desert, she'll make you drip with sweat.~"
Or simply;
"Like the heat of the desert, she'll make you sweat.~"
Yup, adding on, also, for everyone on this thread, Electric is the guy to go to if you need help with a quote, he's scary good with this stuff and he's (probably) not ill.


Lord of Altera
so a quick update, I'm debating on whether or not I want to reserve one month from each calendar for a god/goddess because... why not. If so, then the women's calendar would be done and the men's would only have 2 spots left. If I were to reserve spots for them, I'm thinking of the following:



These are the options, of which one of each will be picked, should it be decided to have a god/godess in each of the calendars. I honestly really want to, but at the same time I'm not sure if I should. Just giving you guys a heads up on my thoughts.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
so a quick update, I'm debating on whether or not I want to reserve one month from each calendar for a god/goddess because... why not. If so, then the women's calendar would be done and the men's would only have 2 spots left. If I were to reserve spots for them, I'm thinking of the following:



These are the options, of which one of each will be picked, should it be decided to have a god/godess in each of the calendars. I honestly really want to, but at the same time I'm not sure if I should. Just giving you guys a heads up on my thoughts.


Guardian Of The Vibes
Khajit has found herself on the list, though I feel like that quote can be taken a bit further?
"Flip some coin her way and she'll show you just what she can do.~"
Idk, been sick since Monday so I've been out of it for a while XD
that is much better do that.


Lord of Altera
So we’re nearing the end of the month and there’s still at least one spot left open on the men’s calendar. I’ll be putting Roy on there, he was my first character so it seems kinda fitting I leave with him. As for the other two spots, I’ll be having those filled with drumroll....

Jax, the god of Opportunity
Sallana, Goddess of Love and Motherhood


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
So we’re nearing the end of the month and there’s still at least one spot left open on the men’s calendar. I’ll be putting Roy on there, he was my first character so it seems kinda fitting I leave with him. As for the other two spots, I’ll be having those filled with drumroll....

Jax, the god of Opportunity
Sallana, Goddess of Love and Motherhood
Can I suggest a character instead of Jax