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Undead Progression and Events


Events Staff
Very Sweet
This is more of a guide to keep people updated on region statuses. It's previously been discussed with region owners, so no worries there. This has been ongoing from sunday evening.

Undead do not cease - They don't come as one giant horde, but groups constantly making their way North.
They are also from the South/Sorrowlands, dead on our map do not rise.

Infested Zones
Going into an infested zone is going to get your character killed, I do not want to DM every occurrence a person goes into them so this is your only warning. The idea of 'infested' zones is that it means the more active regions focus on the RP defence of their towns, and events focus nearer to them, than inactive ones. I do not need to spread myself out more and do big events when there's simply not enough players to do it, and ICly this should be pushing all players to the same places.

Defences and places to flee
Riseport itself is incredibly defensive, and (to my knowledge) the Rangers are going there to bolster. North of Riseport and Zima'Maloj are Hawklight and Anhald - eventually they too will get events but they're a good idea for people fleeing Northwards to get behind. Consider them as the last defence, or outpost. Glados' group is further West.
UPDATE: Most places have evacuated or suggested you head North. Forts have fallen and the defences are struggling.

There is an illness as a result of being bitten, but I'll be adding people to a conversation seperately. If bitten, there is a DC of 8 for the illness/disease. And a DC of 12 for generic infection.

Queens Port - One undead has found itself on the docks by getting caught to a trade ship. It's lurked off elsewhere, I'll leave some signs about. (Done)
Heavens Reach - One undead has found itself on the docks by getting attached to a trade ship, I imagine it got dealt with accordingly but I can RP it out whenever you're open to. (Done)
Thiil - One undead, mauled and extremely weak, finds its way to Thiil by following the river up from the far south. IceandFire
Arget Isles - One undead has found itself at the docks, brought in by sea currents. It's certainly alone, and its mostly skeletal. Immerael

Region Statuses
Motte Adler - FALLEN
Location { x }
Recently built, it now stands as the outpost for the armies who have marched south. It is recommended that any being overran to flee to the North past them, for they'll not allow the dead to go further than their standing.
Update: Taking the brunt of the hordes at Zima'Maloj and Riseport, they drew them with warhorns and slaughtered them by the hundreds. Each day bled into the next with more of them coming North, but none passed where they could see. Despite the extreme efforts, eventually a retreat was the best option, several having exerted too much energy or falling ill from the sheer number of corpses they cleaved through.
They have managed to clear the area and give people time to prepare more defences. The lands are silent.

- Mini Event: Friday 24th June, 4pm EST.
- EVENT: Saturday 25th June, 5pm EST or TBD

Location { x }
Like that of Anhald and Hawklight, this is another outpost yet positioned further to the west. Should you be closer to that, it is suggested you get behind them or assist in defending there. The aim is to not allow the dead to pass by.
Update: The Fort stands but undead have passed on both sides as a result of lack of active defence. Too quiet to draw the dead, any who remain within have opted to be silent.
Update: The fort was abandoned. It stands undefended, and the dead pass through.
- EVENT: Friday 24th June, 6pm EST. Moved on to next day.
- EVENT: Saturday 25th June, time TBD

Zima'Maloj - INFESTED
The people within were evacuated to Arget Isles, and the city was left behind after defences placed. The area surrounding Zima'Maloj is swarming, the undead currently pushing against it's walls. Infested, but more around it's walls for now. I'll likely do an event stemming from this as they push North to give the defending armies some roleplay.
Update: Clear, for the time being. The hordes that were drawn have moved on. Half head for Eventine, half were slain at Motte Adler.
Update: Stragglers and passing dead lurk. But the surrounding area is void of all life; the dead thrown into the river at Eventine have made the waterways around here ripe with disease and infection. Insects swarm here as the corpses remain by the hundreds, stuck in swamplands.

Riseport - INFESTED
The Fuvur capital called for any from it's surroundings holdings of Tamor and Veilmere (And Cutthroat Cove, but none live there) to head there. Defences were then raised and have continued to be worked on, the boats all put further out to sea and trade has ceased. Any visitors will have to manually let in as of yesterday, for the docks are cut off.
Update: Nwalme Fuvur called an early evacuation for maximum safety of the residents. Boarding two ships they've sailed North and have remained at Heaven's Reach under Prince Drake's guidance and care. The walls and gates of Riseport are closed, and any undead simply remain on and around the docks. Several have continued on North from the calls and lures of the local wildlife.
Update 2: Clear for the time being. Bodies left on the docks have decomposed faster from the sun and heat, and disease is likely plentiful. But Motte Adler drew the Horde and now they pass by uninterested. The inner walls were never breached, but the jungle surrounding is very quiet.
- EVENT: Wednesday 22nd June.
- EVENT Thursday 23rd June, 7pm EST. Cancelled via outcome on Wednesday.

Ravenmire - INFESTED
Recently overrun, none within have survived, including the Mayor. The prison provided sustenance to some, but those locked in there will likely starve with the guards all gone. Some fires started, but the swamp has put them out. Ripe for infection.
Update: Some linger, but for the most part it is silent. The fires have burnt out and those stuck in prison cells have likely perished. Eventine/Fort Toil have drawn them instead.

Veilmere - INFESTED
All those who worked there were brought into Riseport, all supplies and things of use brought with them, and the small town left to it's fate to focus on the Fuvur capital. Currently infested, with access to further up the river it sits on.
Update: Infested, some still lurk, but for the most part they have made their way North. A lot were picked off by the animals in the river.

With the little amount of people and lack of defences against a horde, Calan has been overrun. Several residents are now missing, but he residents that do remain have kept themselves up in the giant structures at the tree canopies. So long as they have food and water, they should survive for a time.
Update: While one horde moves North, more still follow behind. But Calan has been reaped of easily accessible food in terms of wildlife, and it's so quiet they may simply go on by.

Havarda - INFESTED
Stragglers have reached the southern coast, but a bigger group have followed. Havarda should expect it's first encounter shortly.
Update: Any residents of Havarda will now be secured in the castle with Cloud. He keeps them at bay if they become a problem, but for now they seem to be focused on the forested area for the sake of sustenance. Considered Over-run, but people are not in immediate danger should they remain careful and cautious.
Update: Any from Calan now inhabit Havarda. The small jungle has little left in terms of wildlife, and some passing ships draw them further North.
- EVENT: Wednesday 22nd June

Cutthroat Cove - INFESTED
Unknown to most that it even exists, Riseport sent out a group to check on it's status for it's one of their holdings. It's overwhelmed with undead, one of the first places they hit, and is now entirely inaccessible.
Update: Many are stuck within, but the place is quiet and does not provide sustenance. They just lurk slowly, or stand still and idle until alerted.

Eventine - INFESTED
Stragglers have almost made their way to Eventine, a group split off from Ravenmire. More are to come. Minor defences are in place.
Update: They defended well against the first wave. But it does not cease.
Update: The walls were breached, but the people overcame them and have since established better defences. The remainder of the hordes from the swamp now head their way. Bodies are disposed of in the river, and so they pile up in and around the swamp, between Zima'Maloj and Ravenmire. Disease is imminent.

Update: The defences did not last despite their valiant efforts. It is rumoured two remain to hold off any more, and there has been a slight reprieve since so many of the dead were butchered prior. But the town is no more, and the dead have not been removed. If the dead do not kill the remaining defenders, disease certainly might.
Update: The Defences held valiently, but the city has fallen. Those defenders that stood their ground have now paddled north to Fort Sevren. The Horde shambles ever-northward.

- EVENT: Thursday 23rd June, 3pm EST.
- EVENT: Friday 24th June, 5pm EST. Moved on to next day.
-EVENT: Saturday 25th June, time TBD
-EVENT: Sunday 26th June, 8pm GMT
- EVENT: Monday 27th June, 8pm GMT

- EVENT: Wednesday 29th June, 9pm BST/4PM EST

Tamor - INFESTED (Destroyed)
One of the first places to be overran, they came in such numbers that the weight of them has began destroying the fragile, waterlogged buildings within. Infection is high and anything living has been eaten nearby. Tamor is a dead place.
Update: The lands of Tamor have nothing to offer, and so the dead walk over it and onwards. Tamor is gone.

The cliffs around Vera Vigi provide a defence all on their own. Any stragglers that find their way onto the docks are promptly put to rest by Vorar.
Update: They mostly pass on by to the deserts of the main continent.

Aelmere - INFESTED
A slow but ceaseless chain of undead push through to Aelmere. They are, however, extremely emaciated and fragile. Weakened tremendously from the deserts, most might have just died off on the way.
Update: With the assistance of Anhald, most of the civilians were taken to safety. The walls however were breached and several were lost.
EVENT: Wednesday 29th June, 10pm BST/5PM EST

Minovia - INFESTED
The lack of defense from Fort Sunset has allowed them to pass by and move into Minovia. It is now infested for there was no defence.

Azerport - INFESTED
Stragglers have found themselves at the shores and surrounding lands of Azerport. They are weak and slow.
Update: . All along the river the dead can be seen, and the city is mostly abandoned so there is no defence. Anyone remaining behind are not disturbed if they are quiet. Infested rating includes that of Twilight Falls, Al'Bathor.
Update 2: Depends on the events that are taking place, defences are going up even if a bit late.
Update: Overran after days of defending, but all the undead within miles around have flocked here.

Crosswinds - DEFENDING
{ x }
A couple of stragglers have drifted ashore here or passed up from the Southern coast. Again they are weak, fragile, and easily put to rest. The stragglers grow in number but they are cut down, for now.

Some of the dead have been spotted in the distance. A small group will be upon them soon.
Update: Lured away to Azerport.

Sir Andrew Wallins
The dead killed at Eventine delays the dead pushing north for now, but before long they will be upon the fortress.
Update: Lured away to Azerport.

Fort Sevren - DEFENDING
The dead killed off at Eventine has bought them time.

Caldwell - DEFENDING
The dead killed off at Eventine and Motte Adler has bought them time.

Myrithiil - DEFENDING
The dead killed off at Eventine and Motte Adler has bought them time.

Silverwatch - DEFENDING
The dead killed off at Eventine and Motte Adler has bought them time.
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I'm going to miss the first Anhald/Hawklight event reeeeeeiii.


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
Is it common knowledge what places have been infested/destroyed/defending? Not to a great extent obviously, but like, a general basis of how it's going?


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
And all you need to save ya'll is, one friendly heathen and a big tidal wave from good ol' Shoreless~


Magus of Nothing
Can we do times in UTC in the future? It makes it so much easier to convert for everyone :/


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
This is actually pretty wild. Zombie apocalypse on HW, who would have guessed?


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
And all you need to save ya'll is, one friendly heathen and a big tidal wave from good ol' Shoreless~
Given they're already Dead and crossing the sea to get to us XD. Unless you want someone going sea of storms on us and pls no.

Is it common knowledge what places have been infested/destroyed/defending? Not to a great extent obviously, but like, a general basis of how it's going?
I can't speak for the rest but Zima evacuation would/is very public.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Given they're already Dead and crossing the sea to get to us XD. Unless you want someone going sea of storms on us and pls no.
I want someone going sea of storms on us c,:


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
Given they're already Dead and crossing the sea to get to us XD. Unless you want someone going sea of storms on us and pls no.

I can't speak for the rest but Zima evacuation would/is very public.
Alright, thanks m80


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Is it common knowledge what places have been infested/destroyed/defending? Not to a great extent obviously, but like, a general basis of how it's going?
I think if places have evacuated they'd tell people, so pretty much. Cutthroat Cove is a no since it's a hidden island anyway, but at least this way people know not to go to infested places. xD

Can we do times in UTC in the future? It makes it so much easier to convert for everyone :/
.. In seriousness I hate converting times and if you just 'what is 5pm EST in <my timezone>' with google then you're fine. Someone else can convert or something.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I think if places have evacuated they'd tell people, so pretty much. Cutthroat Cove is a no since it's a hidden island anyway, but at least this way people know not to go to infested places. xD

.. In seriousness I hate converting times and if you just 'what is 5pm EST in <my timezone>' with google then you're fine. Someone else can convert or something. This one is rather lovely.


Lord of Altera
May I know what Infested Zone exactly means, as in, should someone devise a plan to annihilate a certain amount of zombies, could they?


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Infested means if you go there you die. If you have a large force attempting to retake a zone I'd poke Elz about it to set up an event as that could feasibly work but a small group to one man would get wiped out.