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To Be Resumed [Campaign] The Silver Restoration | Part I


Dark Council Elite
This thread is not endorsed or condoned by anybody but myself, and has nothing to do with the staff team or the discussion about central government.

As you know, Port Silver has fallen in to ruin and disrepair. The streets howl with the winds of desolation and the buildings still smolder. Harateth and the Corruption did many terrible things to the once grand silver city, but it is not impossible to undo these things.

Fliers are strung up all around the Crossroads Inn and docks, the docks of Vera Vigi, the Bastion's Lull inn, the message boards of Azerport, and on Thiil's message board. They propose a new campaign and effort to get rid of the now-dead Corruption that remains a detriment to the well-being of Port Silver's landscape. The Corruption itself is a danger to the surrounding lands if it were to be rejuvenated in the future, and even if you wish to see Port Silver remain in ruin, it would be the safest option and best option to work on removing the Corruption that plagues the Northern point of the central continent.

The fliers themselves detail that donations to the cause are required, and they state that a master list and full explanation are posted within the Crossroads Inn on the outskirts of Port Silver's ruins.

Should you choose to travel to the Crossroads Inn and see this information for yourself, this is what you would find.

The master list is a large poster with a map of Port Silver drawn across the upper half. It shows several outlined areas in different colors. Below it is a long list of supplies that would be needed for the different sections to be cleaned up. The explanation to its right it significantly smaller, but lists a few things of importance.


Project Organizer and Head
"Deaf" - Pseudonym
(Instructions for contact: leave a note or letter with the bartender, Jack, and he will give you a letter in return as soon as Deaf replies to you.)
(Out of character wise, start a forum convo with me.)

Tiers of Restoration

Tier 1: This tier is the beginning area of the project. It is outlined in RED and shows the smallest portion of Port Silver to restore. This would require a base amount of resources to complete, and extra resources would only decrease the amount of time that it takes for the removal of the Corruption to complete.

Tier 1 - Base Resources Required
108 Pickaxes (Iron or Diamond - Two Double Chests)
54 Shovels (Iron or Diamond - One Double Chest)
108 Minecarts (Two Double Chests)
108 Boats (Two Double Chests)
216 Stacks of Wooden Planks (Four Double Chests - Any Type, ONLY Full Stacks)
216 Stacks of Stone (Four Double Chests - Any Type, ONLY Full Stacks)
54 Stacks of Emerald Pieces (69,120 Radiants - One Double Chest)

Tier 2: This tier is the next up step for the project and would encompass the ORANGE outlined area on the map. This tier requires all of the resources listed in the first tier in addition to the following.

Tier 2 - Additional Resources Required
+54 Pickaxes (Iron or Diamond - One Double Chest)
+54 Shovels (Iron or Diamond - One Double Chest)
+32 Minecarts
+32 Boats
+54 Stacks of Stone (One Double Chest - Any Type, ONLY Full Stacks)
+10 Stacks of Emerald Pieces (12,800 Radiants)

Tier 3: This tier is the next step up for the project and would encompass the GREEN outlined area on the map. This outlined section includes all of the islands and stray tentacles in the water, cleaning up the harbor of base trash and cleaning the water itself to a better state than it had been before. It will also incorporate the construction of some bridges between the islands themselves and the Port Silver main island. This tier requires all of he resources listed in the first and second tiers.

Tier 3 - Additional Resources Required
+108 Fishing Rods (Two Double Chests)
+26 Pickaxes (Iron or Diamond - Half a Double Chest)
+26 Shovels (Iron or Diamond - Half a Double Chest)
+54 Boats (One Double Chest)
+8 Stacks of Emerald Pieces (10,240 Radiants)

Tier 4: This tier is the next step up for the project and would encompass the PURPLE outlined area on the map. It is also noted that as this is unofficially Lavoyard territory, if they do not wish this area to be cleaned up or restored, then it would not be. Below are the resources required. This tier requires all of the resources listed in the first, second, and third tiers.

Nobody is allowed near the Cathedral island, by order of the faithful of the Sun. ;)

Tier 4 - Additional Resources Required
+54 Pickaxes (Iron or Diamond - One Double Chest)
+54 Shovels (Iron or Diamond - One Double Chest)
+54 Minecarts
+32 Boats
+108 Stacks of Stone (Two Double Chests - Any Type, ONLY Full Stacks)
+108 Stacks of Planks (Two Double Chests - Any Type, ONLY Full Stacks)
+32 Fishing Rods (Half a Double Chest)
+12 Stacks of Emerald Pieces (15,360 Radiants)


All waste produced by the cleanup project would be transported to the magma lake in the region of Hellridge for destruction in the lake. The emeralds donated to the cause are for the purpose of renting transportation boats and barges to move the waste, as well as to pay workers to provide their service for the benefit of Port Silver.


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Dark Council Elite






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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Repeat: This does NOT guarantee ANY world changes and is currently not a collaboration with the HollowWorld staff. Donate if you want too, but it right now it is not going to make any difference in the Alteran worldmap.

this ain't approved so cannot guarantee world changes

Research afore you donate!
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Lord of Altera
Well Glados I think the first problem here is that YOU are the one who decided the required amount of resources and not the staff....


Dark Council Elite
Well Glados I think the first problem here is that YOU are the one who decided the required amount of resources and not the staff....
Which is correct. I am still open to any changes. I didn't say that the above were set in stone, hmm? I set up a basic structure and awaited feedback from Michcat.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Leave mah corruption alone, I'm gonna revive this some day and use it to destroy lé world


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
That does not constitute approval, is what Mich and I are saying. You'll need to get that from both of us. ( And Mairin)
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Lord of Altera
Wait.. why would a dragon cultist want portal silver... The only real value was it's infrastructure and that went to hell when cuthulu's weeds started growing everywhere.
You have my attention as there might be good roleplay in getting artifacts back. But just cos a staff says something off hand, doesnt make it so, unless im the overlord of demons then I stand corrected.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Guys let me handle this *rubs hands together* if you free from the lavoyard tower I'll help removing it...

There might be a small chance I will use it to destroy the world and start a new exodus


Lord of Altera
Guys let me handle this *rubs hands together* if you free from the lavoyard tower I'll help removing it...

There might be a small chance I will use it to destroy the world and start a new exodus
Awww he's like a saturday morning cartoon villain...
And I hope you all appreciate me not calling it Nurgle's flow- actually no... Never mind, cathulu works.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Awww he's like a saturday morning cartoon villain...
And I hope you all appreciate me not calling it Nurgle's flow- actually no... Never mind, cathulu works.
Bu- but Team Rocket was on more days then only saturday ;~;