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DUST 514 [Looking for recruits]


Lord of Altera
Heya, I'm Cynthia Gallente a capsuleer and not a dust bunny.
As such I can offer moral and financial (? have they implemented this yet?) support.


Lord of Altera
Ice Mining lasers!
Short of that I use a cloaked purifier and drop down with bombs and torpedos before running away quickly.


Lord of Altera
Yeah, I know. But I stick to the space piloting. We can still communicate in game and so forth.


Lord of Altera
.... Being as we play on the same server we can still communicate, and possibly share resources.
I RP heavily in eve and am trying to establish diplomatic ties with ya!


The original mute
Mistaahh, what Cynthia is saying is she plays eve, and is willing to be what really would be a share holder in the corporation. She wishes to provide us with money which we will then spend wisely. I'm going to see if I can't get some of the guys from raid to give me a few contacts that may need us as well, raid was my pre hollowworld community, and a pre release dust corporation, unfortunately it crumbled when they announced dust was to be a ps3 exclusive.
Also to any staff, I know I'm not allowed to post, but I had to help using my knowledge in this case.


Official Alteran
Yeah that is what she said
I have played eve to but stopped a wile ago
Maybe I will play again sometime to support the corp.


Official Alteran
If thats the only thing you have to say dont say anything please,this is about dust not eve it is just not relevant to tell them that they should play that when it is not about that game


Lord of Altera
Play a real game, play EVE >.>
DUST 514 is an actual, real game..
Bananas munch chairs isn't a real game, because it doesn't exist..

So, conclusion, DUST 514 is real, bananas munch chairs isn't

Also, you tend to forget that DUST 514, and EVE are from the same developers, and set in the same universe, and are the first cross-platfrom games.

Going further down that list, you're saying EVE is good, and DUST 514 sucks..
Concluding from that; You would almost say Dragon age 2 has better graphics and dialogues then. Dragon. Age .2

So, your statement is invalid.