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Short Stories Thread

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Lord of Altera
My time to attempt...Something >.>

"What do you think it'll be like out there?" Zalia's voice cooed past my ears in the light summer breeze.
We were both staring into the skies above us, the setting sun had left it's orange hue stain beyond any wispy cloud that would blow past our vision.
"I don't know." I responded, trying my best to be strong. "They say it's..Terrifying.."
Zalia shifted a bit, lifting her eyes level with mine.
"Are you scared?" Her voice shook, just as her eyes shimmered.
All I could do was nod in return.
Her head returned to my chest, her breath continued through my fur.
A moment of silence overtook us both.
"I'm not." Zalia spoke with integrity.
Of course, this took me off guard. Sure, a warrior's job was to deny fear, but for an objective as ambitious as this?
"You have to be crazy.." I chuckled warmly, trying to bring some form of light heartedness to the conversation.
"I'm not crazy." I felt her smile curl as she spoke. "Because I know you'll be with me the entire time."
Our eyes again crossed paths, and for a brief moment, I think I understood what she meant.
I knew that as long as I was by her side, I would not let a single thing come to bring her harm.
Our lips locked, I closed my eyes, and returned my vision to the sky.
The same, orange sky.
A few new, black clouds of smog billowed from the right of my vision, Just as I heard her scream.
"Sajek! Where are you?!" she was full of panic, full of heartfelt pain. And though every bit of my very being screamed with pain, I stood amongst the rubble.
To my right, the caravan car lie in smoulders. It's door's jammed open, one of them had been blown clear across the sand dunes to my left.
The only window remaining was shattered with impacts. The rest were left scattered and shattered about the street.
I turned, to see that just behind me, the ripped appart body of a human lie face down, motionless.
This did not phase me in the least, I knew I just needed to find her.
Limping, I made my way to the front of the wreckage. There, Zalia was overturning a door, and continually screaming my name.
The exact moment her eyes caught the slightest glimpse of me, her arms were already wrapped around my sides.
Her eyes were tearing, and her hands were shaking. The rifle that hung from her neck clattered and stung my hip, though I didn't mind.
Without a word, she wrapped her arm under mine and assisted me to her humvee.
She sat behind the wheel, simply staring. I rested my head on her shoulder from the passenger's seat.
Zalia lie her hand on my neck, holding me closer to her.
"Come on. Let's go home." My voice broke the silence, though I cannot remember speaking.

"Sajek! Sajek, come on!" Zalia's voice broke my day dreaming of days past. I look to see her, completely garbed out, the cooling packs on her vest hugging her tightly, her helmet hanging just a bit loosely from her head.
Her hand clenched around the same rifle from that day.
To our right lie a door, one in a line of many. An apartment complex, and In my head lie the first step to our attack.
"So? are you ready?" She seemed nearly annoyed, but still playful somehow.
I simply smiled back, placed a smirk on her cheek, and wielded the small black cylinder in my hand.
"Just me and you." she returned with my devious smile.

Not really proud of this'n, but, truth be told, I'm on my way out the door to see batman right now :3
And I just finished playing battlefield. Hooray for modern technologies!
Anyways, please tell me how horrible this is ^w^
I may be back to write more, as I usually just dump a bunch of my short stories on google docs.. Expect more terrible things to come on this thread! :D

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
If you think in any way that that was bad, you're crazier than I am. The use of rapid time switches made it so that the story took unexpected turns, and dropping the story into a scene and ending it before another starts was a stroke of genius as well. Also, on a side note, showing love between two characters without mentioning it is no easy task, so well done overall!


Adorable according to Michcat
Holy guacamole! I am sincerely surprised you're not a published author! Your use of description is stellar. You dragged us into the fictive dream that you made. You've got some serious talent there, Valcust. One thing, though. Minor gripe. You could've made it known your characters were in a car before you did. Until you mentioned the caravan I imagined them lying down in a field on a picnic blanket.

On a side note he is the third "Guardian of Stone & Light" in this thread... What the what?


Lord of Altera
Holy guacamole! I am sincerely surprised you're not a published author! Your use of description is stellar. You dragged us into the fictive dream that you made. You've got some serious talent there, Valcust. One thing, though. Minor gripe. You could've made it known your characters were in a car before you did. Until you mentioned the caravan I imagined them lying down in a field on a picnic blanket.

On a side note he is the third "Guardian of Stone & Light" in this thread... What the what?
Well, in the first bit they were on a grass field. It was sort of a flashback thing, I suppose, probably could've done that better >.>
And that thingy just means I post a lot :3

Oh! And, not to advertise, but could you criticize my character profile as well? Link's in my signature! (and he's angry ._.)(not really :3)(but still, profile :D)


Adorable according to Michcat
What follows is a true story from my life.

Shortly after my eighth birthday I was somewhat excited to go into the third grade at a new school. A rather large private school that went from their first year of primary school all the way up to their last. Do not think for a moment that bullying is not an issue in private schools. I got the worst of it. Six people each took their turns slamming me down. "Retard" was one of the mildest names they used. They peetered out as time passed, but some only ramped up their attacks in response. When I tried to defend myself they pushed back harder. When I went to the school's staff they did nothing, or worse, did exactly the wrong thing. Finally at the middle of my tenth year I had enough of the torture and decided to end it once and for all.

I didn't deserve the family who fought tooth and nail for me. I didn't deserve the teachers who actually cared. I didn't deserve a beating heart. I snuck downstairs from my room early one morning into the kitchen. I tiptoed over to a drawer, grabbed a steak knife and held it high, fully intending to plunge it into my chest. I thought at the very least I deserved a fast death. When I thought all was lost I saw my dog, a spitz named Heidi. She looked up at me as if to ask "What're you doing? Why are you doing this?" And at that instant that hope came flooding back as a tsunami. I had something to live for. I shoved the knife back into the drawer and tried to forget this had even happened, telling noone.

More than a decade passed and that memory still lingered in the back of my mind like a banshee. I was talking to a neurotherapist when I recounted that day. The tears just would not stop as I continued to speak. It was at that day that I finally moved past that moment and could finally get past my "living hell" of a childhood. The moral of the story is that when hope is lost life hangs in the balance.


Lord of Altera
I remember seeing my old man's face for the first time.
Of course, I thought all my friends were teasing when they said a Mccloud was looking to adopt.
Well, maybe not that he was looking, but that he was here. This run-down little shack on the edge of town barely had a regular two dimensional television to speak of, much less any sort of extraordinary pleasantries.
While everyone else hurried out the door and down the stairs, I stayed cooped up in my room.
I must've only been nine at the time, but I still knew when something reeked of lies.
So, I remained on my bed, my paintbrush ever so slightly tinting the engine of the model arwing on my table a deep blue. Such a graceful machine, I'd loved the detail in this model, and saved up six months to buy it, which seems like an eternity when you're a kid. I was so enthralled in detailing my work, I didn't even hear the door creek open as he strolled in.
I've no idea how long he was admiring my work, but I'll never forget the first words he ever said to me.
With a hand on my shoulder, and a warm smile on his face, the old fox's eye gleamed with the joy of a father finding his long lost son.
"How would you like to fly one of those?"

An adaptation on an intro to some ongoing story I've got going, which is admittedly a starfox fan fiction >w>

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Valcust said:
I remember seeing my old man's face for the first time.
Of course, I thought all my friends were teasing when they said a Mccloud was looking to adopt.
Well, maybe not that he was looking, but that he was here. This run-down little shack on the edge of town barely had a regular two dimensional television to speak of, much less any sort of extraordinary pleasantries.
While everyone else hurried out the door and down the stairs, I stayed cooped up in my room.
I must've only been nine at the time, but I still knew when something reeked of lies.
So, I remained on my bed, my paintbrush ever so slightly tinting the engine of the model arwing on my table a deep blue. Such a graceful machine, I'd loved the detail in this model, and saved up six months to buy it, which seems like an eternity when you're a kid. I was so enthralled in detailing my work, I didn't even hear the door creek open as he strolled in.
I've no idea how long he was admiring my work, but I'll never forget the first words he ever said to me.
With a hand on my shoulder, and a warm smile on his face, the old fox's eye gleamed with the joy of a father finding his long lost son.
"How would you like to fly one of those?"

An adaptation on an intro to some ongoing story I've got going, which is admittedly a starfox fan fiction >w>
I must combat one of these stories! But not now, im exhausted


Lord of Altera
Continuing from my last one because I'm bored and tired~ ^w^

Any kid would've killed to get the chance to be in my shoes.
Mister Mccloud was showing his age, and even from day one it was clear to me that he intended to pass the torch.
It seemed all like a dream to me.
He was looking for the eighth generation Starfox commander, and Xavier was unlucky enough to chose me.
I've no idea what he saw in me, especially back then. I could barely be said to have any muscle on me, my reaction time was a bit lagging, and my mind was a mess of clutter under stress.
And even with all my downfalls, I don't ever recall a single day where the old man gave up on me.
We would spar for hours, he would put me through countless battle and flight simulations, all preparing me for my first day on the field.
I remember my first flight.
He walked into my room, threw me my own neural connective helmet, and asked me 'are you ready?'
I nodded without a second thought, following him out the door.
I remember first taking to the air.
The freedom, the expression. At sixteen years old, I nearly burst with joy as the weightless clouds engulfed my vision. It was almost a blissful arrogance of freedom, to be completely blind, yet still so flowing in my movements.
Though I can't call that my fondest memory.
The best lessons were ones that I didn't want to learn.
I was twelve at the time.
Before me, the lifeless body of my cat stared blankly into the wall.
He had gone in his sleep, and I was there for every moment of his pain.
Through the guttural howls and faint wheezes of air, I comforted him as best I could.
He died at five in the morning. I'd buried him by eight.
Xavier walked out to the backyard with the clear expression of confusion. I was covered in mud, the shovel was still in my hand, and before me a mound of dirt at least two feet tall lay in the middle of our flower garden.
I didn't look at him. My eyes were intently focused on that mound of dirt, and flowed with tears.
My father simply stood by my side, his eyes were pointed downward as well.
'He knew you loved him. You did good, John.' His voice was heavy with the heartache I'd just learned of.
Yes, I now know that it was just a pet. But my father understood that, to a child, he was a friend.
And he knew what it was like to bury a friend.
I still remember the note I had left on that little mound of dirt.

I'm sorry I couldn't help you.
I did everything I could, and I hope it was enough.
Thank you for being my friend.
I'll never forget you.


Weee~! Depression~! :D
I'ma go cry now, be back to typing later :,3

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Valcust, great story again, but my first post explained how it was a short story thread, and you ask me if you want to continue it into another story.

So no like for you!


Lord of Altera
Pffff,okee Xp
Expect moar original ideas then! >:D
...Because it's 2:40Am for me >.>
But I do love having a place to just nonsensically type things that others can see. So thanks for the thread and all :D

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Valcust said:
Pffff,okee Xp
Expect moar original ideas then! >:D
...Because it's 2:40Am for me >.>
But I do love having a place to just nonsensically type things that others can see. So thanks for the thread and all :D
Daaaw, you're welcome n stuff, now go to sleep!


Adorable according to Michcat
Random word challenge!
A bride, a man's suit, and a garbage can! I will pay 600 radiants to whomever comes up with the best! Judging cirteria include, but are not limited to, Technical merit, Effect on reader, and use of the terms. Good luck!