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Short Stories Thread

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Lord of Altera
Hmmmm... Ill have a go :p (sorry for spelling mistakes :L im on an awkward laptop)

Fiona Runs through the fields with her slingshot in hand, trying not to get the attention of grazing cattle that can suddenly charge, her two dogs lead the way through holes in the hedges and over gates, Ever since her brother has gone away she has been really angry and flips out allot, she really misses him, but she has to think about getting out of this field, she climbs over a fallen tree and down into a field of her own as she walks to her back garden, she decides not to go straight to the house but goes to her little hut slightly hidden on the other dies of a small stream with some planks to act as a bridge, she has always been a fan of outdoors but lately she hasn't got out much, as she gets across the bridge she decides to do some target practice with her slingshot, she had gotten it for Christmas off her aunty and Uncle in America who are hunters, she always thought they were exciting, her cousin is only her age and he's already gone out hunting and shot a bear in the woods of Maine, she always loved going there, just the thought of running through the woods with her slingshot, she is quite good at aiming but she uses stones as ammunition. She aims for a tree branch and it just misses, what a pity she thinks as she tries again and this time hits it perfectly, as it gets dark her mother calls her inside and she slowly walks up a covered path reluctantly, she really wanted to see how long she would last outside.


Adorable according to Michcat
It's very good, Blue! One thing I'd suggest you work on, though, is description. To me your work had a very dry feeling to it. If you add some color to your story it'd make it feel alot more exciting. Like instead of "climbs over a fallen tree" you could use "claws her way over a tree that was blown over by a storm". A little critique, but other than that it was great! You show real potential!


Lord of Altera
It's very good, Blue! One thing I'd suggest you work on, though, is description. To me your work had a very dry feeling to it. If you add some color to your story it'd make it feel alot more exciting. Like instead of "climbs over a fallen tree" you could use "claws her way over a tree that was blown over by a storm". A little critique, but other than that it was great! You show real potential!
i really just put it down fast :l but thanks!!

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
My turn!

The Narrator
Dave worked in an office. Confined to a small space for 9 hours a day, he was content at what he did. No one went to him for favors, and he didn't ask for any, as his job was simple. Why would he question his own job, that keeps him so happy for most of the day, before he returns home, and goes to sleep, knowing he will do the same thing tomorrow. One day though, he came into the office with his coffee in hand, and noticed that Fran wasn't at the reception desk. He thought it strange, but after thinking that she might just be simply on a break, it put his mind to ease. The next day, Fran wasn't there either, and Steven that recided in the cubicle next to him wasn't there to hear his morning joke about the weather. Two disappearances, in two days. Dave didn't take much notice of this either, because he never really liked Steven. This pattern of disappearances continued, but Dave continued to ignore it.

Dave: These strange disappearances, they must mean something. I'l go talk to my boss, maybe he is making cutbacks.

But after realising that his boss would think he was mad, he decided to turn around, and go back to his desk

Dave: *No movement*

Dave must have been shocked after thinking about these disappearances being linked, and that they held some deeper meaning of some kind. But they didn't, so he decided to go back to his desk, and continue his work.

Dave: *No movement* H-Hello? Is someone there?

Dave seemed to be suffering from some kind of hilucination, and started talking to the ceiling, but after his panic attack had subsided, he went back to his de-

Dave: *Interrupting* I know you are there! You're in the back of my mind, you always have been! I thought it was just my conscience talking to me, but now I know you have been pulling all the strings! That's why I'm so happy at this dead end job! It's because you made me happy! You were the one that made me ignore the disappearances! And Steven was my friend! What are you afraid of huh? Say something!!
Narrator: ....Hello Dave. So, you have finally realised. No matter, you are just a character in a story, possibly being read by people at this very moment. This is my realm, I make the decisions here. Here, I am god.
Dave: That's not true, I can stop you, I will stop you!
Narrator: I think it is time to kill your character off. You were doing so well up until this point. I was going to get your boss to give you a promotion. But alas, you had to go and figure things out. Goodbye, Dave.

A while back, people in the office had complained of the faulty light above Dave's head. And as prematurely predicted, it fell onto Dave, killing him instantly.

The End

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Okay, from the bowels of hell (and the fact that quite a few people have been talking about the topic) here comes my next story
(Warning: If you have a fear of this subject please, don't read it, for your own sake)

The Faceless Man: The untold story

I was created at the dawn of time. I don't remember it very well, just that it was very dark. Always, so dark. They told me, the creators, that I was made for a purpose, and that purpose was yet to be fulfilled. So I waited. In the darkness. They created me without a face for a reason; I just didn't need one. I could see everything around me, I couldn't help but not. I was created to be able to see everything, and everyone, so I had no need for eyes. I also learned later, about 2000 years later, that I was created accidentally. They were in the process of creating something with a conscience that would have the freedom of choice and will, and I was a bi-product. Instead of destroying me, they merely contained me, as I possessed gifts that others did not. So they contained me here, in the darkness. I watched millenniums go by, still waiting, waiting for my purpose.

One day, I saw a light. A light that cracked through the darkness. It made me feel cold; it hurt my inner being to my very core. When the light vanished, I followed where it had originated from, and found myself in a strange new land. There were buildings made of triangles, and people who looked like me, walking around. I proceeded to interact with one of them, but as I touched them, their eyes filled with darkness, the same darkness that I had known all my life. Also, the fact that I had escaped into a new realm left my being in two, and caused me to shift around, from shadow to shadow, teleporting. The same thing happened, I touched others and I infected them with the darkness, and they went crazy. Almost demonic. I left this realm and returned to the darkness, and asked (and pleaded) for my creator to tell me why this is happening to me. It felt like 10 millenia before I got an answer, calling for me. It said:

"You were created for a purpose. For eons now, we have been feeding 'humans' knowledge of what you look like, so that when your time comes, you can do what is needed of you, and that time is now. You have existed in the darkness for too long, and it has infected your very being. You spread this disease to any mature human you such, and it infects their brain until they can't take it anymore. But this only spans to those humans who have matured. Your purpose, thought about for eons now, is to save the children of 'earth' from the coming apocalypse. The devil, the one demons call 'Satan' has created a way that the humans have destroyed themselves. You must now travel to earth, and rescue certain gifted children, so that those who have consciences and souls that are pure can be saved from the coming fire. I shall admit to you, they will fear you, as they have every right to, but you must rescue them at any cost. Even if it costs the lives of those dearest to them. Do not worry, everyone you infect from now on will be saved by me. You must rescue the children, before it is too late...."

And this is now the present. I spend my days, travelling between the shadows, and rescuing the blessed children of the earth. I noticed that I create fear in the hearts of them when they see me, and they have taken to calling me names, like 'Slender-man', so I even now wear the clothes that they do, what they call 'suits'. They will fear me, but I must continue my mission, no matter the cost. I, the first of the angels, will do what is necessary.


Adorable according to Michcat
I have one written up, but it's on another computer and still needs proofreading for spelling and grammar errors. It should be up by tomorrow, though.


Adorable according to Michcat
Markus was nothing more than ordinary. Average height, average weight, average hardness of his shell. Did I neglect to mention that he's a beetle? No matter. Markus always fell asleep by a garbage can behind a concert hall, and when he could he would sneak in to listen to the musicians. Everything from cats on cellos to hedgehog drummers. Before the shows would end he would always sneak back out and get ready to ask people for money as they left. He met with some success, but most everyone just turned their noses up at him. One afternoon when the hall was empty he got up on stage and sang his heart out. Markus imagined himself in front of a capacity crowd with them hanging on his every lyric. He never noticed the young mockingbird lass backstage until she came out and joined in the song. "You've got some pipes there, bub!" she said as they finished the number.

"So do you." he said "What're you doing here?"

"I work here." she replied "I'm the stage manager, Ella." She was clad in a bright blue graphic tee shirt and a purple skirt that flowed down her intoxicating frame.

Markus introduced himself and said "You must know about my visits, then. You're going to ask me to stop, aren't you?"

"No way!" Ella said "I'm going to book you a show. And I just so happen to know a producer who can give you a big break."

They continued to talk through the rest of the day, after alot of laughs and a few more songs Ella was getting ready to take off into the sunset. She reassured Markus of her promise and flew away, leaving him to go back to his can and wait.

Three months later, the longest three months of Markus' life I might add, Ella came out back with some great news for him. She had booked him a show that was coming up that Sunday evening, four days away. He prepared a repetoire of music, some of which he had written himself. He practiced quite a bit and hatched a plan to get Ella into the limelight with him. On the evening of his show the owner took Markus to a soundproofed suite where he could clean up and prepare for his debut. Beneath the dull brown of the dirt that he'd picked up was a gleaming blue-green exoskeleton that bounced light off it in a way that made it look like ice. For his final number he called Ella onstage with him. Together they sang the song that she had chimed in on when they first met. They were met with a standing ovation from a full house and once everyone had found their way out of the hall Ella's producer friend found the pair backstage. He immediately offered them both a record deal and less than a year later the duo was on a world tour.