Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Jaspers Doodles, and free sketches.


Lord of Altera
omn :O pleeeeeeeeeeease draw me your amazing!!!!!!!!! i would be amazed if you could do both my characters xD one of my characters is my avatar, shes a witch who was evil butnow kind (sometimes :p) and my other is a mermaid with a blue tail blue eyes and long brown hair :3


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'd love it of you could try :3
Try me too!

I am also a Nakat but I am a tad more formal than the others, I wear a hood, robs, gray pants, and leather boots, my eyes are smaller because I am generally calm and aware. Thanks MAN! Also I'm a dude cat incase that wasn't clear...

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh, and a word of caution're about to get very popular, very fast....people will mob you in the streets to get your autograph and beautiful women will throw themselves on're the next sally.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Draw mine, plox? Link to profile in signature... Just type in "BLargtheAwesome" on to get a look at my skin... My character is quiet, keeps to himself, and is only really talkative around friends.


Legend of Altera
Jasper, may I ask what program you use? I've always wanted to get into computer drawing myself, but never was satisfied with things like paint or photoshop (lol.... I have no idea what to use)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Draw mine, plox? Link to profile in signature... Just type in "BLargtheAwesome" on to get a look at my skin... My character is quiet, keeps to himself, and is only really talkative around friends.
Also don't forget that he's crazy lying torturer! XD

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Gibbles98 said:
Avatar: The Last airbender (The avatar is called Aang, and his friends I can't remember :I)
You know they made a new series, the legend of korra? But I don't think i want to watch it, cus aang's kindof... dead