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Zethcron, Jyushin the Mercenary Assassin


Lord of Altera
Name: Zethcron Jyushin

Nickname/Alias: Zeth/Jy/Shin

Age: 20-ish Doesn't really seem to age...

Gender: Male

Race: Dark Elf

Height: 6ft 8in.

Weight: 140 lb

Hair: Black, down almost past his shoulders, and in a ponytail that is knotted together by leather made from bunnies.

Eyes: Dark Green, can turn them darker by will.

Skin: Dark grey, like a grey shadow.

Identifying Marks: Always wearing a large cloak and hooded.

Appearance: Tall but tends to stay in the darkness or moves about in the night. Always wearing a black cloak and hooded but his dark green eyes stand out in darkness, while his skin is too dark for the grey to be seen in darkness and holds four daggers and an axe in his cloak but mostly uses his axes.

Strengths: Quick runner, better at hiding in darkness(because of his clothes), as an ex-arena fighter he can take a lot of damage, and holds several toxins/poisons in his cloak ready to use at all times.

Weaknesses and fears: Because of his dark clothes he is noticeable in abundant light, mostly fights with close-range weapons(axes and daggers) and not very skilled with long-range weapons.

Religion and cults: None

Profession: He is a mercenary, used to be an arena fighter, and an assassin at heart.

Backstory: A large albino rhino charges at me and I get thrown back against the wall like a rag doll, except the rag doll feels a LOT of pain. I fade to unconsciousness almost instantly of hitting the iron hard wall…
"You know can't handle big opponents", Vack said that while I still had my eyes closed from the dwelling pain, I could hear him laugh softly. "Especially if that opponent happens to be a beast that resists poisons", Vack was taunting the fact that I always use poisons to fight anyone, obviously he doesn't know painful it is to take my pain toxin to the knee.
"well… arg… at least I'm not… at da lowest listing… hehe", the last words I said before I feel into an agonizing sleep from all the pain caused by my talking… that rhino hit me in more places than I care to count and the iron wall did the back job.
splashh I was hit with water, cold water, to wake me up and it worked. "I'm up mon!", Vack soon laughed at me for my sudden jump from sleeping to panicking in just seconds, "Ya dink that's funny?!", I glared at Vack with the best angry and scary face I could make but to no avail he just laughed even harder. "Why don't you try get hit by cold water wit sweet dreams", Vack was lessening on his laughing.
"Alright, alright I'm sorry… I'm sorry I didn't use colder water! Ha!", Vack laughed even more, he found so much entertainment in my suffering he could die from laughing. I got up and walked to my tent.
We have a camp out in the woods, the camp is surrounded by tall and fat trees this makes it very hard to find but Vack and I find it by climbing the trees. "Well… when be ma next match or will ya be going first?", Vack looked at me with grave eyes and a frown that couldn't be turned upside-down while sitting on a stump.
"I'll be going first…", Vack looked down at his hands, he was trembling, "Against The Terminator".
My face suddenly jumped from tired and sleepy to watching a friend die, "Ya be be crazy!", I got up and walked towards Vack, fast, "Ya going to die!", I looked at Vack who was still trembling but now he looked like a scared child not wanting to let mommy go. "Don't ya dare and go", now I was just furious, "Vack, ya be a dead mon if ya step in that arena…", Vack was no longer looking at me instead he just looked down at his hands, still trembling. I went to sleep in my tent… my bad replacement for a bed felt even less comfortable, knowing that Vack will be dead when I open my eyes didn't help me sleep but I eventually feel asleep. I opened my eyes and out of my tent… just as I thought Vack went o the arena. I climbed the trees and ran to the arena… the arena was a giant bowl with splattered blood all on the bottom and with seats at the top. I found the arena master and looked at him with eyes that was expecting bad news.
"Zeth… yeah Vack's dead", Those were all the words I needed to hear to fall to the ground on my knees… and cry.
Tears came out softly, the arena master, Drudger, pat my back hoping I would stop crying, my eyes were closed but I cried regardless. I got up and wiped the tears off with my arm and looked at Drudger, "Is The Terminator still here?", Drudger knew exactly what I wanted and he didn't try stopping me, no one will stop me. Drudger pointed at the arena entrance and nodded then walked away, I walked to the entrance and began to let go of any regrets still lingering in my mind. I stepped in and saw The Terminator, big, bulky, a lot of armor, and violent, "Terminator… I'll be your next opponent…", I took out my dagger and pointed it at him.
"OoOoOhh Threatening aren't you… haha", he walked to one of the arena doors and I walked to the other arena door.
We both walked in the arena pool, which was the very bottom of the bowl where all the blood was, I pulled back my dagger and dropped a spot of poison on it. Terminator pulled out his iron broad sword and taunted me, I ran straight at him and as soon as he raised his sword to cut straight down at me I jumped to right side and lunged myself by pushing from the ground using my feet and the whole while Terminator was pulling his heavy broad sword to the side to hit me but I just dodged it by going below the sword. I managed to cut his left thigh, the only place I could get that wasn't too heavily armored, I ran from him until I reached the wall and looked at the terminator, it looked like he was lugging his left leg… meaning my poison was a success. He couldn't move to fast and he was visibly worried about his leg, that gave me a small amount of time to run right at him, jump to my left, and cut his right thigh. I did just as I planned and Terminator took a while to notice me running at him, when he raised his broad sword to swing at me I had already jumped and when he cut down with his heavy broad sword I was already an inch from cutting his right thigh. I cut his thigh and ran from him until the wall then looked at him, terminator was on the ground screaming.
"MY LEGS!! MY LEGS!!", he was still holding his broad sword but only barely, it was slipping, I took this chance and ran at him once more this time I aimed for his throat, when Terminator had noticed me I was already and inch from cutting his throat, I cut him and I fell on the ground… I had used all my energy to run at him and to dodge his swings. The pain from the rhino charge returned along with and with it an arrow in the distance, I moved my shoulder to block the arrow.
"Ah! What in da neder?!", the arrow was sharp but it was stopped by my bones in my shoulder… the arrow had poison on it and it got me. I ran for the arena pool door, which was close since Terminator had not moved much, I was tired, in horrible pain, and there was an poisoned arrow in my shoulder. I fell through the door and what awaited me there was the arena master, Drudger, with a short sword ready to cut my throat. "What? Nobles can't take a loss in money?", Drudger nodded and pointed to an exit I had never seen before, "Danks for da help mon", Drudger motioned me to hurry and gave me a drink probably a cure for the poison but after drinking it I felt a hell lot better. I pulled out the arrow from my shoulder and ran for the door, as soon as I stepped outside the walls behind me moved to close up the exit, I continued to run in what ever direction I was going in. When I was running I didn't even know where I was going I just ran and I'm guessing I was running blind because everything was dark but I was still running. Until eventually I blacked out, when I awoke I was on a soft bed, damn soft too, my bones ached so all I did was look to my side to see some human female walking up to me.
"Glad to see your alive", she was common size and wore a plain white apron, "Just got back from making soup", she was holding soup in her hands which took me time to notice because I could barely move and in that time the human female put the bowl of soup on a table next to the bed. "Eventually you should be fine, so when you are just move a bit and drink some soup!", after that she walked out of the room and closed the door on her way back, she was polite but a bit too "perky".
Eventually I could move so I drank the soup, it was warm and tasty, felt like I hadn't eaten in days. After I drank the soup I walked outside the room and saw that woman walk by, "Hey! You! human female!", I didn't know her name so obviously I did that.
But she noticed me quickly, "I see your back on your feet!", she looked as perky as before. I asked her how I got here and she told me I was found in the forest by some dryad of which she was friends with, so the dryad brought me here and I rested for at least two days, afterwards she asked me what happened and I just told her, "I can't answer that, but it would help me if I could stay here", she happily said yes, so I stayed. After some time I got a laboratory in the room I was staying in and eventually made acquaintances…


Lord of Altera
This is Zethcron retelling of the the RP he went through over span of one day... Also I didn't write the speech because that felt like a bad idea. I don't know why. I'll be writing more of "one day RP", after it happens.

"AAAAAHHHH", some idiot screaming when I was enjoying the warm fire, so I walked towards the screaming, it turns out some one got bit by a vyre, curious. Anyways, this human who got bit ran a lot, he ran to the forest after the vireo woman, I easily caught up to her having many potions, but some old man said not to hurt her, as it turns out her blood wasn't going to help the screaming twat. But he did say that 3 brown mushrooms and raw fish would, so I rushed to my home and came back just as fast. To find out that the old man was with the vyre woman, turns out he was a beast kin, more specifically a werewolf. The old man crush some fish scales and the brown mushrooms into a paste and gave it to me to give to the twat. I found him still panicking at the edge of the forest, I gave him the paste to rub on the bite marks, but he said it did nothing and started panicking again… So I abandoned him in the forest and found the vyre woman, she was young. I spoke with her and attempted to make her feel better, I ended up looking for the screaming twat in the forest to give him bread, what a conversation. After finding the twat was speaking with the vyre woman and staying away from me because, I don't know he was a twat! I ended up taking the twat with me to find a cure for him, he was panicking far too much, and screamed at the second of seeing a sign that he could be cured, but the curer was not present. So we continued, he mentioned something about a khajit named J'Dar Kah and that he was an alchemist in Stormhold, Stormhold doors were only open to Stormhold citizens, so we had to look else where. We went over to Uthrandir and the most suspicious thing happened, the screaming twat was cured, by a god. Well at least he was out of my hair, I continued onward to Uthrandir to seek alchemical information, the city was famous for wizards and mages and sorts of magic, so perhaps they had information on alchemy. All I found was an abandoned school, now a library, and books on history, demons, forbidden tomes, and pirates, only the books on demons was interesting, vyres were demons themselves after all. But nothing on a cure. So I head back to the camp and when I arrived I met the vyre woman again! Lucky me. She told me that she to wishes to rid herself of the curse, so once again I set out to find a cure, this time with hr help and ambition. First we visited Uthrandir, and we stumbled on a curious conversation with some lords and ladies, nothing of interest but they had said the word "vyre", so we followed them. A man, who's name I can not remember good thing I never told my name, answered our question about a vyre cure, there is no such cure. But I was bent on finding a cure, so I asked what he knew about vyres, he said a vyre's soul is in the tower in Uthrandir and that their demon soul walks the land. But I just took that as zealous nonsense. So the vyre woman and I went to a private place to speak, I took her to the abandoned library and she started searching through the books, I searched to. And I stumbled across something I ignored before, the books on demons were written by two men, Zane Celmer and Paragory. So we searched for both these men and, quickly, found some one who knew where Zane Celmer was, I had finally met Zane Celmer White Wizard. I conversed with Zane and went over some of Zane's books for answer and found out something. The vyre woman had a condition of vyre that I referred to as "minor vyre" or vampirism, so the cure was easily accessible. The woman was cured and went about her daily life, I however had another meeting with Zane Celmer. This time I talked to him about the full vyre cure and he gave me his last cure, telling me that the head vyre, Akari, was already taken care of by the cure. he reluctantly shared he information of obtaining the cure, the water used for it was sacred and it was only seen by 7 people, and that it had to be blessed by what I thought were 2 paladins. So a replicate was, impossible as Zane said, and I had just been handed a vyre cure, afterwards I asked him if he could point me to an alchemy teacher and pointed me to the School of Magic. I immediately went to the University of Altera and signed up, for both the university and the School of Magic, it wasn't finished yet but it was getting there. Even without an alchemy teacher I had to replicate the vyre cure or at least make my own and I decided to do it through alchemy.


Lord of Altera
Reserve, just maybe.

I'm missing information for this, so it will have to a little longer until I can put up Zethcron's involvement with Capua.


Lord of Altera
I just realized I made this 2 days from my birthday...
Faelin, all the bunnies died by poison...


Lord of Altera
I'm just waiting for more story :I
Lucky you! I am working on two more pieces and I added more to the main backstory so that it says that I started in Altera in Witches Brew, also a "dryad", wink wink, helped me get to Witches Brew...

That "wink wink" was completely unnecessary... :I


Roleplay keeper
...Rosa? And what about that mysterious (And pretty) Lady who randomly spoke with you like she had known you for ages? :p